How did Team Building with Bite come about?
Both Mark and Chris have many years of experience working in the animal industry, with Chris having been a keeper for over 20 years, and Mark leading education and research during this time. Both shared a passion for encouraging animals to live as naturally as possible in a captive environment, including the ability to demonstrate natural species-specific behaviours. Their passion for animal welfare is demonstrated through their years of dedication, as well as their role as Instructors for the The Shape of Enrichment. This non-profit organisation raises awareness of animal welfare and environmental enrichment by teaching animal carers and industry professionals worldwide.
Mark and Chris founded BITE in 2015, and it was a real passion project that has grown from their expertise in the field of animal welfare and behaviour. From these early days, the team has expanded to eight members, all with different backgrounds in the animal industry, but all with a passion for what we do. The incredible animal collection partnerships have extended to locations all across the UK, and we are extremely proud of those collaborations that have been built up with trust over time.